We’re On The Side
Of The Employees

Wrongful Termination: How To Protect Yourself After An Unfair Job Loss

Being fired unexpectedly can be shocking and leave you questioning your rights. At Law Offices of Choi & Associates, our Los Angeles wrongful termination attorneys help workers fight back.

Know Your Rights: Recognizing Unlawful Termination

California law protects employees from termination based on discriminatory reasons or retaliation for legal actions. Here are possible “red flags” for wrongful termination:

  • Fired for who you are: Termination based on race, religion, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation is illegal.
  • Punished for doing the right thing: Were you let go after reporting harassment or unsafe work conditions? This could be retaliation.
  • Contract violations: Did your employer break the terms of your employment contract, express or implied?
  • Sudden termination after protected activity: Being fired right after filing a complaint might be a wrongful termination.

If you experience any of these situations, it is vital to document everything and seek legal guidance from our experienced wrongful termination lawyers.

Regaining Control: Your Path To Justice

Our law firm can help you navigate wrongful termination claims by:

  • Evaluating your situation: We’ll assess your case to determine if you have grounds for legal action.
  • Understanding your options: We’ll explain your legal rights and explore all possible courses of action.
  • Fighting for what you deserve: We’ll be your strong advocate, whether pursuing a settlement or going to court.

Our employment law attorneys can help you pursue a wrongful termination claim. Time is often a critical factor in these cases, so it is essential to talk to a lawyer right away.

Do Not Face This Alone

A wrongful termination can have serious consequences, but you don’t have to do this alone. Contact our attorneys at Law Offices of Choi & Associates for a free consultation. Contact us online or call 213-592-3309 to get started with a free consultation. Located in Los Angeles, we proudly serve clients throughout California.