Plaintiff worked as a caregiver for Defendant for a little over 2 years. She was paid paid on a flat daily salary of $108 to work 24 hour shifts. Plaintiff sought damages for (1) Unpaid minimum and overtime wages pursuant to Labor Code section 1194; (2) meal and rest break penalties pursuant to Labor Code section 226.7; (3) waiting time penalties pursuant to Labor Code 203; (4) wage statement penalties pursuant to Labor Code 226; and (5) interest pursuant to Labor Code 1194 for a total of $89,193.60. The case went to trial in front of Honorable Steven J. Kleifield in Department 53 of the Los Angeles Superior Court. Plaintiff was represented by Edward W. Choi of the Law Offices of Choi & Associates. After presenting evidence, the case being argued and submitted to the Court for decision, the court entered judgment in favor of Plaintiff in the amount of $89,193.60. Plaintiff will also seek attorney’s fees and costs in a separate motion.
The case number is BC 555114.